Is it time to Switch?

Throughout February we have been putting heart health at the top of our agenda. This month’s Gym Challenge is all focused around training with a heart rate monitor. Have you entered yet? The Find Your Fit Social is dedicated to learning more about heart health and we have an amazing discount on the MZ-SWITCH with our lowest bundle yet. *
Did you know that training with a heart rate monitor can be one of the best ways to get to know more about your heart health, especially if it is a very precise monitor? That’s why at Waterside we bring you the opportunity to train with MYZone technology. The MYZone MZ-SWITCH is one of the most accurate heart rate monitors available, and even allows you to train in water. Click the link to discover more.
By getting to know how your heart performs and responds to activity you can make more informed choices around the type of exercise that is most beneficial for you. You can get the most out of your training sessions by knowing how much effort and intensity you should be training with. Reviewing your statistics can also help you see your progression, recovery time and identify how well your heart is coping with exertion.
As a Waterside member you get a huge discount on the MZ-SWITCH. They usually retail at £165 but members can buy them for £79.99 (full details available at reception.) We also offer a try before you buy option, please email Hannah and she will assist you with this offer.
Click here to enter this months Gym Challenge
Click here to book onto the Find Your Fit Social